Scientology Archive

Anyone can improve themselves and make a new beginning

“There is no person alive who cannot make a new beginning.” —L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, from The Way to Happiness Epilogue Scientologists know from first hand experience that people can change their ways. The old belief that “A leopard can’t change its spots” has been proven conclusively incorrect. Many people in […]

The Church of Scientology shares its beliefs on YouTube

The Church of Scientology YouTube Channel is a place where the Church has published over 450 videos about its beliefs, its practices and even provides free courses for anyone to begin studying for themselves. And while one video will certainly not answer all of your questions about the religion there is an entire website available […]

Knowledge should be shared with everyone

Scientologists believe that knowledge should be shared with everyone. The “scholar” of the past or the “wise man” in the ivory tower are not what Scientologists believe “knowledge” should be. In fact, L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology said in his article “My Philosophy“: “The first principle of my own philosophy is that wisdom […]

Scientology Expands in Moscow, Russia

Scientology continues to expand in Russia contrary to rumors that may be spreading. Here is a tour of the biggest-ever Church of Scientology in Russia. The Ideal Organization of Moscow, which opened on 26 Feb 2013. The Church has experienced a growth like never before since its grand opening and will surely continue to expand.